Cllr Linda Taylor, Leader of Cornwall Council, has welcomed the news that Cornwall Council has been awarded £4.5million of government funding to support vulnerable families during the winter as we continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Funding from the Household Support Fund will mean Cornwall Council can continue to offer further support households in most need with food, energy and water bills, as well as other essential costs as well as providing the equivalent to free school meals during the Christmas break and February half term.
Linda said:
“I am delighted to see the Government provide further funding to support those most in need through the winter months as we continue to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.”
“This is alongside the other funding we have received from the Government during this difficult time, including the Emergency Assistance Grant, Covid Winter Grant scheme and the Covid Local Support Grant, and will cover the period until March 31 next year.”
“I look forward to seeing this money drawn down and distributed to those who need it most.”
The Government has said that at least 50 per cent of the total funding will be ring-fenced to support households with children, with the remainder going to help other households in need of support this winter.
The money will be spent through the identification of existing requests for support and referrals from professionals and organisations.